Historic University Place

The newly formed Uni-Place Creative District is Lincoln’s only official art district and this community couldn’t be more proud! Mindy and Michelle have been working alongside our fellow University Place neighbors and businesses owners to reawaken this historic part of Lincoln! It has been so exciting to see the changes happening right before our eyes and makes us excited for the future of Uni-Place!

If you haven’t heard about our Uni-Place Maker’s Market it is held every third Sunday of the month May-Oct right outside our doorsteps along Saint Paul Avenue - between N. 48th - N. 47th! Originally this market was started last year to help the community make it through some lengthy road construction but as we quickly learned there was so much excitement around the market and opportunities to host even-more events in our small part of town that we decided to continued the market into 2024 as part of the Uni-Place Creative District’s revitalization efforts!

There is something to be said about community and coming together and just talking with your neighbors that makes a place feel loved and cared for. That is what is happening over here on the North side of Lincoln so stayed tuned for more!

Don’t forget to stop by our Market and support local artists, makers, musicians, and more!

Our next market date is set for Sunday, June 16th from 10am-2pm, see you there!



